we take you to the best destinations of Italy and perù

You will see the sights with the eyes of the locals

discover Italy

Packages ready or customized

We know the Venetian lagoon like the back of our hand and we will let you experience it. Join us!

  • We offer boat tours in Chioggia, Pellestrina and Venetian Lagoon

  • Get unique experiences not found anywhere else
  • Itinerary tours & Trips customized to meet your needs

Boat Tours



discover Perù

Packages ready or customized

Bosetti Tours wants to bring a European tourism model to Peru by developing a type of tourism that allows traveling while satisfying the desire to learn how things are done!

  • Travel through Peru and discover how things are made
  • Get unique experiences not found anywhere else
  • Itinerary tours & Trips customized to meet your needs

Learning Travel

